Thursday, April 22, 2010

College Girls claim bisexuality, Andrew G tells them to shut the fuck up.

Our nation's recent advancements in homosexual equality have made it not just socially acceptable, but trendy and hip to rub your genitals on whatever you can think of, with the only limits being your own imagination. This is great news for all you zoo-goers who can't help but keep noticing the emu that keeps eyeballing you from a distance, but I feel like this is hurting the gay-rights cause more than it is helping it.

I use the bestiality reference to make a point. America treats homosexuals as exotic animals, not as people, and we try to pass it off as accepting, social consciousness .Emerson College is one of, if not the single most gay-friendly campuses in America. Which is awesome, and I'm honestly proud to say that about my alma-mater. But you would think after all the exposure my fellow students and I have to the gay community, we'd be just a little desensitized to the whole thing. Nope. I feel like a student can't come out of the closet without fifty reporters bombarding him, flashing pictures, and shoving microphones in the poor kid's face demanding to know JUST what' its like to have another man's scrotum placed on your uvula.

Where did all this idol worship come from? I feel like it was only five year ago where the country was still run by ignorant, God fearing zealots who just couldn't even stand to fathom the idea of two men having sex without having to confess their sins to a priest. Sodomy went from blasphemous to cosmopolitan in a matter of years. When, in reality, it's neither. It's just another aspect of human life that we need to accept and then move on with our lives without making fools of ourselves by over-accepting them like THIS.

It goes back to when Lance Bass came out. Lance Bass made the "brave" declarative statement that he was in a fact a homosexual. I responded with "Great Lance Bass, can you sing that fucking Rocky & Bullwinkle song again? Thanks." Lance Bass went from "one of the three guys who wasn't Justin Timberlake in N'Sync" to relevant topic in the amount of seconds it took him to shout to the world that he loves penis. Because of our nation's new found love of alternative lifestyles, people like Lance Bass always made me suspicious of people who claim their gay just for the attention America is going to give them.

And I was right, but it's not just the people in the media. A multitude of college girls have taken their daddy issues to astronomically depressing heights by trying to trick us into believing their bisexual. You know what I'm talking about. Every now and then you'll go on to one of your female friend's Facebook pages and notice that she's interested in both "men" and "women." And when you ask her what happens she'll respond with something along the lines of "ooooh you know I just feel like humans aren't supposed to limit their sexuality to just ONE gender!" At first, you're happy for their new, if not stupid, outlook on life, but then you realize their experimentation with the same sex has never gone passed the point of saying she likes them on Facebook.

These girls obviously aren't bisexual. They're just emo girls pissed off at the way society made them so they're attempting to get back at all of us by trying to make us feel uncomfortable. They're the equivalent of bandwagon Red Sox fans only they still don't watch any of the games. Now that decades of persecution have gone by and we're actually starting to be accepting in society, let's just jump right in and say we love them too!

It's actually a smart idea. You get all the attention and social benefits of being a lesbian, but without having to go through the trouble of actually having sex with a woman. Congratulations girl, you found the loophole that allows you to be as far away from vagina as you possibly can and still get 10% off drinks at the Leather Jacket night club.

Perhaps it's just a step in the acceptance process of homosexual equality, but I really wish it would stop already. The more you think that someone's more socially enlightened just because they're gay, the more you are hurting the cause and preventing true equality from happening.

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